World Gets Closer With Bushnell Telescope  

Posted by Navid Husein in ,

With a growing interest in the skies, many people are looking upwards to the stars and planets, and with the frequency increasing in meteor showers people are turning to the 50 years of experience that a Bushnell telescope can bring to the viewing table. Quality optics and precision engineering make Bushnell a highly recognized name in viewing enhancement.

When deciding to obtain a telescope, you will need to first decide the main purpose for which you will use it. For night viewing of the stars you will want a telescope with as big an aperture you can afford and still carry around with you. If portability is an issue you will want toe select one of the Bushnell telescope models that will not be too heavy to carry around with you and is easy to set up so you are not wasting time on getting it ready to use that could be spent on viewing the skies.

Refractor telescopes are ideal for the beginners as they are lightweight, portable and easy to set up. If you plan to look at both the night sky and day time ground-based objects, a refractor-type Bushnell telescope is great for both uses. Reflector telescopes are usually heavier and bigger, but are good for night viewing for finer detail. They tend to have a larger aperture opening to allow for brighter viewing of distant night skies.

Mount Bushnell Telescope for More Stable Viewing

With the length of a Bushnell telescope you will want to mount it to a tripod or a stationary mount for stability while viewing. Think of it as aiming a rifle with a 10-foot-long barrel and you will have some idea of why a tripod is needed. The mount of the tripod is also important, depending on your intended use. For portability a quick connect mount is recommended. Paired with the mount on a Bushnell telescope it can quickly snap on and off while still providing unparalleled stability against movement by wind and ground tremors. This will be useful if you are taking time-exposure pictures through your Bushnell telescope.

For the serious-minded star gazer, you may think about a computerized Bushnell telescope with which you can plug in your coordinates and time of day, select an object from its menu and the telescope will automatically find it. This type of Bushnell telescope can also be used with a computerized mount to help stay aimed at a particular location, keeping up with the Earth’s rotation to keep it in view.

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