See The Skies With A Celestron Telescope  

Posted by Navid Husein in ,

If you have an avid interest in the lunar surface and know you are probably not going to following in the footsteps of Neil Armstrong, the next best thing may be viewing the surface through a Celestron telescope, one of the best-known manufacturers. Since the 1950’s, Celestron has been providing quality optical equipment and is a brand most amateur astronomers can recognize.

From their entry-level telescopes for around $100 up to a computerized Celestron telescope in the observatory class at value pricing under $2,000 there is a Celestron telescope that can be fun, educational and satisfying for searching the night skies. Being able to enter the stellar exploration with a 500mm telescope with an 80mm aperture lens offers a bright view of the night sky. The EsploraScope 80 is equipped with a table stand as well as a neck strap making it portable for your viewing pleasure regardless of where you wish to take it.

The FirstScope series of Celestron telescope was designed for the first-time buyer and can be used for sky searching or daylight viewing of birds or even whales. Every Celestron telescope features all glass opticals along with aluminum tripod mounts for smoother operation.

Telescopes Move Into Computer Age

The NexStar Celestron telescope series is the first, or second, step in computerized telescopes allowing you to input date, location and time and by pointing to a bright object in the sky it can automatically align to the stars. Its star pointer works like a laser pointer to point to any particular object in the sky. Price between about $300 and $500 this is a great way to view the heavenly bodies in the night sky.

Moving further up in the Celestron telescope family of NexStar computerized telescopes
the SE series can find the stars for you. The NexStar 8 with a focal length of 2032 can offer a view of objects in the night sky with unsurpassed clarity. Once programmed for your location you simply enter an object from the menu and the computer points the Celestron telescope to the object. It does not get any easier than this. Priced between $650 and $1,600 this series is designed for the serious amateur astronomer.

With their history of producing quality, a Celestron telescope will offer years of quality service and you can make your hobby grow in a fun and education way. Starting with the beginner’s models you can grow with the more sophisticated ones as your interest grows.

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